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Why might you want to:

Know Your WHY

Research has shown that the way you view and interact with the world is largely determined by your WHY.


But many struggle to find the words to accurately articulate that inner force that guides their actions. And especially to express it in a way that others can understand, appreciate, and connect with.


Your WHY is more than just your vision or purpose for your life; those can change over time. Instead, your WHY is that inner voice that drives you and motivates you to make decisions and pursue your dreams.


The WHY Discovery tools give you the insights you need to clearly and accurately articulate your WHY as well as give you a framework for better understanding others.

The World's First WHY Discovery Tool

Better. Clear. Simple.

WHY.os Model.png
WHY you do what you do
HOW you internally operate
WHAT you ultimately bring to the world
Get inspired by

What it is and why it matters

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The WHY® Discovery Tool Works Well with Other Assessments

Add greater context and get more value out of your other assessments.

I am a big believer in the power of using personal assessments to support self-awareness and personal growth. I have used (and currently use) some of these valuable assessments listed below.

  • Kolbe A Index

  • Gallup – CliftonStrengths™ Assessment

  • DISC

  • Colors

  • And many more...

We've found that the WHY Discovery pairs well with these assessments as the missing first step in understanding not just the behaviors, but the beliefs and motivations that drive the behaviors.  Learning the WHY behind the actions provides a full understanding of the motivations, actions and skills that allow us to bring our full and engagement and personal best.

Here my backstory on

The value of knowing your WHY

Coming Soon

My WHY® os Discovery Programs

Contact me to talk about how we can customize these programs for your audience and needs.

Knowing Your WHY is the Essential First Step in Self-Awareness

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