Just A bit
About Me
My name is Michelle Sterling. Welcome to my site and thank you for being here! Here's just a bit to help you get a sense of who I am and how I approach my work and life.
I believe that every person possesses unique gifts that when allowed to flourish and be safely expressed, enhance our shared humanity.
I also believe that it is our collective duty to create an environment that nurtures this expression -- even when it differs from our own understanding of the world.
Over my very rewarding 30+ year career, I've helped thousands of individuals explore different aspects of their human experience and understand why we humans do what we do so that they can more fully show up as the person they truly want to be in their day-to-day life.
Whether as a leader, a friend, or a family member, understanding how we're wired allows us to make the shifts we need to make to get more of the life we envision.
So now you know just a bit more about me.
Experience &
Education Snapshot
Learning & Development
Brain-based Performance Strategies
I have a M.S in Human Resource Development and over 30 years experience designing, developing, and implementing award-winning workplace training initiatives. I've supported leaders, newly promoted managers, and front-line workers in a wide variety of industries with workshops, coaching, and consulting engagements.
I am a neuro-science junkie. I've worked with neuroscientists and sports psychologists to create learning and performance support tools. I've found that when you understand how your brain works, it makes the path to learning and behavior change much clearer and easier to adopt. It also helps you understand other people better, and creates room for greater empathy and connection.
I have a B.A in Speech Communication, which is rooted in the principles of Human Psychology. In the early ages we communicated with grunts and sticks. Today we electronically transmit digital symbols. But the foundational concepts of what it takes to connect and create meaning are the same.
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Just for Fun:
My Backstory
Everybody has a backstory. You know, those events that are specific to your life -- those experiences that have created meaning and impacted how you approach and view things.
Click on the link below to learn a little more about where I come from and what has shaped my life perspective.